Sunday, March 14, 2010

Behaviorist Theories and Instructional Practices

As Pitler,H. Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., and Malenoski, K., (2007) state, "technology makes it easier for students and teachers to track the effects of effort and facilitates more immediate feedback." I believe this would be an excellent strategy to incorporate into my math classes.

I can definitely see that the bhaviorist theory is in practice with these students. They began the year with a defeatist attitude, and it has taken a lot of positive reinforcement and encouragement for them to become more responsible for their learning and to feel successful. I love the idea of using a spreadsheet for them to monitor their effort (with a rubric) and correlate it to their grade. I have come to realize that these students work much harder with positive feedback. They have come to be very proud of their effort and success.

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