Sunday, November 29, 2009

Partnership for 21st Century Skills

Partnership for 21st Century Skills
I was very excited to peruse through this website and discover that there is an ongoing organization promoting the integration of 21st century skills into all areas of education. I have always believed that our state needs an information and technology curriculum, which aligns its performance standards within each subject area. This website offers a framework for student outcomes with support systems to allow for mastery.
My biggest disappointment was looking through the small list of states that belong to this partnership, and realizing that Georgia was not on the list. Our schools need to embrace the incorporation of 21st century skills in order to prepare our students to meet their future needs. Unfortunately, funding, professional development, and resources are our biggest roadblock.
I was pleasantly surprised to learn of the different business partners working with the organization. With budget constraints, education is getting a real hit, and many believe that new technology with qualified instructors and resources will be ‘put on the back burner’ for now. Schools could greatly benefit from business partners that are willing to sponsor and offer grants in these areas. I do believe many more businesses would be eager to join this organization if they could partnership with schools in their area. This may also offer more of an incentive for more states to join and have a mandated program to guarantee student mastery of necessary skills for the 21st century.


  1. Wouldn't it be great to see more local businesses sponsoring education in a meaningful way. After all, it is in their interest to have well-educated, capable graduating members to join their teams upon graduation. If more companies invested directly into schools (not just technology) and the development of 21st century thinking, I think our students would be the ones to benefit.

  2. With federal and state budget cuts these days, I think that is where the funding is most available - like you put it - it's our students that will be joining their teams. A win-win situation.
